Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The best European beaches

The best European beaches
Europe has the most beautiful and wonderful coastal beaches in the world because they contain many of the ruins on the seas and oceans, and most important of these beaches:
Playa de Maunsell in Spain Playa de Monsul in Spain
One of the finest beaches in Europe, is located this beach inside the National Park (Cabo de GTA Nigar) in southern Spain, is characterized by the beach Bermalh soft and waters clean in addition to the presence of flowers and trees magnificent, and the most common reasons that defamed this beach is the nature of the picturesque attraction many of the film production companies to represent their films in this picturesque nature.
Zlatni Rat beach Paul in Croatia beach Zlatni rât Bol in Croatia
This beach is characterized by soft Bermalh waters and beauty as he characterized as a tourist that prefer calm and comfort, in addition to the practice of many activities such as swimming, diving, windsurfing severe.
Beach safety Bispo villa in Portugal Salema Vila do Bispo in Portugal
This beach south-west of Portugal, where the nature of the magnificent scenery, is this beach inside the national park Costa where towering mountains, trees and green plants and colorful flowers, also features this beach services magnificent where luxury hotels and fine restaurants that offer the best meals Navy favored by many of the visitors to this place .

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